Invisalign Clear Aligners Amityville

The Discreet & Convenient Alternative to Traditional Braces

Smiling woman holding two Invisalign clear aligners in Amityville

Invisalign treatment in Amityville has been a top orthodontic method for patients of all ages. With this modern smile-straightening method, adults can discreetly address dental crowding, gaps, and bite misalignment, all without alerting their coworkers and friends that they’re undergoing treatment. When it comes to teens, Invisalign clear aligners allow them to maintain their individual expression, helping them socialize with ease and build confidence. If you believe that you or your loved one can benefit from Invisalign treatment, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Justyna today!

Why Choose Amityville Orthodontics for Invisalign Clear Aligners?

  • An Experienced, Board-Certified Orthodontist
  • Our Team Speaks Spanish & Polish
  • We Welcome & Maximize Dental Insurance

How Invisalign Works

Woman placing Invisalign aligner over her teeth

The Invisalign process, like any orthodontic treatment, takes awhile to complete, but at the end of it, you’ll be able to enjoy an aligned and balanced smile. The first step of every treatment is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Justyna. During this appointment, our team will speak with you about your smile goals and conduct a thorough oral examination to determine whether orthodontic treatment is necessary for you. If so, we’ll continue to the treatment planning part of the process.

Using our iTero digital imaging and impression system, we’ll capture a virtual impression of your teeth and build a lifelike 3D computer model of your smile to show you what it will look like once your treatment is complete. This takes all of the guessing out of the process, as you’ll be able to see what the results will look like before you even begin!

Once you consent to moving forward with Invisalign treatment, we’ll start you off with your first sets of trays. Every six to eight weeks, you’ll come back to our office for quick check-ins to make sure your teeth are moving as expected, and we’ll provide you with the next series of aligners in your treatment. Once your final alignment goals have been reached, our team will craft a retainer for you to help prevent your teeth from drifting back into their original positions.

The Benefits of Invisalign

Smiling woman holding an Invisalign tray near her mouth

With countless benefits to offer, it’s no wonder why Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment among both teens and adults. Some of the advantages you could enjoy include:

  • Discreet, clear aligners that others hardly notice.
  • Removable trays for improved oral health and convenience.
  • Ability to eat all of your favorite foods during treatment.
  • Short check-in appointments that can often be scheduled during lunch breaks.
  • Great for teens and adults.
  • Ability to correct a wide range of orthodontic issues.

What Is Invisalign Teen?

Smiling teenage girl holding an Invisalign aligner

Invisalign Teen functions identically to regular Invisalign treatment. However, it does offer a couple features to help busy teens remember to diligently wear their aligners, like a small blue tracking dot that fades whenever it’s time to switch to the next series of trays. Invisalign Teen is great for those who have all of their permanent teeth, which includes a large majority of teenagers, and who are determined to be good candidates for the treatment. If you feel your teen would be ecstatic to not have to wear metal brackets and wires, bring them in for a consultation today!

Learn More About Invisalign Teen

Invisalign First for Little Smiles

Young girl holding and pointing to Invisalign aligner

Invisalign also offers a special Phase 1 treatment for children between six and 10 years old who have a mix of baby and permanent teeth. If your child exhibits early signs of jaw or dental misalignment, Invisalign First intervenes during the development period of their growth, helping improve the alignment of their jaw and arches. By addressing these problems early on, it can drastically reduce the amount of orthodontic intervention they need as teens. Plus, by using Invisalign trays instead of metal brackets and wires, they’re able to have a more comfortable experience that has less of an impact on their day-to-day life.

Invisalign Touch-Up Can Help with Quick Adjustments

Young woman holding Invisalign tray outdoors

Have you received orthodontic treatment in the past and the results just didn’t stick? Invisalign Touch-Up is a convenient, minimally-intrusive way to restore your aligned smile without having to spend a year or more with braces again. Within about six months of wearing specially crafted Invisalign trays, you can correct minor issues without having to undergo a full treatment plan again. Additionally, because your orthodontic treatment will use removable trays, you’ll be able to eat all of the foods you want to as well as easily brush and floss your teeth, keeping the process from having a big impact on your daily life.

Invisalign FAQs

Why Do I Need to Wear My Invisalign Aligners for 20+ Hours a Day?

In short, wearing your aligners for 20+ hours a day is important because that’s an essential part of your treatment plan; if you don’t wear your trays, your teeth won’t move. If you’re having difficulty meeting your wear time, then try creating a schedule for yourself with the help of the stopwatch on your phone. Tweak it as needed until it’s easy for you to wear your aligners for the recommended amount of time each day.

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

The average Invisalign treatment plan is 12-18 months. However, some patients have a significantly shorter or significantly longer journey to a straight smile. After all, there are a wide range of factors that play a role, including how well the treatment guidelines are followed. In other words, the best way to stay on-track with your treatment plan and achieve your dream smile as quickly as possible is by making an effort to meet the wear time, prioritize your check-in visits, and take good care of your aligners.

Can I Drink Coffee with Invisalign?

You can, but you have to remove your aligners first. If you don’t, then there’s a chance that your trays will discolor or warp, negatively impacting their look and function. So, take them off first – even if it’s just for a small cup of coffee.

Tip: Drink your coffee alongside your breakfast or lunch! This will allow you to enjoy this caffeinated beverage while also helping you meet the 20+ hour-a-day wear time.

What Should I Do If I Lose an Aligner?

If you lose an aligner, do your best not to panic – this will only make it harder for you to find them. Instead, remain calm and try to pinpoint the last place you know you had them. Then, retrace your steps. It’s important to look in places that may not be obvious at first, like your trash can or the center console of your car. If you’ve looked and looked but haven’t had any success, call our Amityville dental team. Once we take a look at your treatment plan, we can determine how to proceed – whether that’s having you move onto the next set a bit early or asking you to wear your previous set until your replacement aligners arrive.

How Do I Clean My Aligners?

Keeping your aligners clean really comes down to one thing: the habits you adopt. If, for example, you rinse them with clean, cool water when you take them off and clean them each morning and evening without exception, then there’s a good chance that you won’t run into problems with stains and discoloration. If, on the other hand, you adopt some not-so-great habits, like keeping them on while you drink your morning coffee, it won’t be long before they take on a yellow, brown, or grey hue.