Phase I Pediatric Orthodontics Amityville

Helping Small Smiles Thrive

Young boy smiling after receiving Phase 1 pediatric orthodontics in Amityville

As a board-certified orthodontist, Dr. Justyna has helped patients of all ages address concerns involving dental, bite, and jaw misalignment. For children with mixed dentition, or teeth that are both permanent and temporary, Phase 1 pediatric orthodontic treatment in Amityville may be recommended to help guide the development of their smile and minimize the severity of future orthodontic issues they may face. If your child is between six and nine years old and you feel they could benefit from early orthodontic intervention, schedule a consultation with our team today!

Why Choose Amityville Orthodontics for Phase I Pediatric Orthodontics?

  • An Experienced, Board-Certified Orthodontist
  • We Accept & Maximize Dental Insurance
  • Personalized, Boutique-Style Orthodontic Care

How Does Phase I Orthodontic Treatment Work?

Young girl pointing to braces on her lower teeth

Phase 1 orthodontic treatment is designed to address developmental dental problems before they require extensive intervention down the road. If your child is between six and nine years old and has both their temporary and permanent teeth, we may recommend Phase 1 treatment. Here are some situations in which this treatment may be recommended for your child:

  • Their baby teeth have fallen out prematurely.
  • They have a significant speech impediment caused by their dental alignment.
  • Their adult and temporary teeth protrude from their mouth.
  • Their teeth don’t come together evenly.
  • They regularly breathe out of their mouth.
  • Non-nutritive habits (like thumb and pacifier-sucking) altered their dental development.

Based on the unique orthodontic issues your child faces, like protruding teeth, bite problems, or crowding, Dr. Justyna will develop a customized treatment plan for them. These can include expanders or growth appliances to help guide their jaw development or partial braces or space maintainers to ensure their permanent teeth grow in aligned. If your child still struggles with thumb or pacifier-sucking, Dr. Justyna can provide you with helpful tips to curb their habit.

What Happens During Phase II?

Smiling young girl with braces on both arches of teeth

Phase II orthodontic treatment doesn’t start right after the first phase. Instead, your child will have a period to rest and allow the rest of their permanent teeth to safely grow in. During this time period, our team may recommend a retainer to help ensure any progress from their Phase 1 treatment is maintained. Then, once all of their permanent teeth are grown in and they’re eligible for traditional orthodontics (typically, this is between 11 and 13 years old), we can outline all each of their appliance options. With both phases of treatment, our goal is to help ensure that your little one’s smile develops into one that’s healthy, aligned, and even, boosting their oral and overall health.